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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

White Stripes Reunion? 'Only If We Were Bankrupt,' Says Jack White

by RJ Cubarrubia, N.Y.  |   March 22, 2012 5:45 EDT

Detroit rocker Jack White has revealed that he will only reform the White Stripes if they were to hit bankruptcy.

Speaking to NME, White called a reunion "a really sad thing" if it were to happen. Despite the White Stripes success, and his former marriage to only bandmate Meg White, Jack White expressed a severe reluctance and unwillingness to reunite the band.

"I would probably say absolutely not. Absolutely no chance. I couldn't see any reason to ever do that," said White. "I'm not the kind of person that would retire from baseball and come out of retirement the next year."

Jack White To Release First Solo Album, 'Blunderbuss,' in April

"If we were forced to change our mind about that, I can only imagine the reason being if we went bankrupt or really needed the cash, which would be a really sad thing," he continued. "I would probably be issuing an apology along with the announcement of the show dates."

Jack White is set to release his debut solo album "Blunderbluss" on April 24 via Third Man Records and will kick off a US tour on May 15 in Nashville, Tenn.

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